Resources for IT Professionals. But, this issue can be resolved easily. The message is correct you have to configure your firewall to open that port and some additonal ones. No matter what I do it only gets to this stage, the above error pops up and then it un installs itself. Windows Vista IT Pro. Wow awsome, I got it downloaded and setup with my settings, but am getting stopped due to the password protection on the screen saver, I have it checked to go to logon , but it seems to want it to be the same as XP where the screensaver its self is password protected I was running into the same problems.
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But, it requires windows registry tweaking. You will find it at: A reference that be 64bit here client: Thanks for your solution.

Can't remove Nortel VPN eacfilt.sys

I downloaded the beta version and I am trying to set the compatability. Monday, November 26, 3: Tuesday, December 30, 8: Although you may have a little problem with the install it has to install with recomended settings and you will get messages saying there are problems installing drivers. If a firewall is enabled it must be configured to allow outbound traffic on UDP port Once the device is booted up, dock and try again.

The installation was successful.

I found another eac I use it almost everyday to connect to work. I don't work for Nortel.

Problem with VMWare Player & Contivity VPN |VMware Communities

I was instructed contivitu submit a support request for that. Does anyone know which file is the eacd. Thursday, January 10, When I check network adapters in the windows control panel, I find only the parallels driver and the Eacfilt driver IS associated with it. I started doing a bunch of uninstalling and reinstalling, switching my local date back a month, swapping out dlls and drivers.

Thursday, November 16, Melric, Thanks for your solution. I found the below that did work. And interestingly enough there were NO eacfilt drivers associated with the VMWare adapters, only wacfilt real physical ones. Even then it doesnt work all the times, so i uninstall and reinstall the vpn every now and then just to make it work I got the x64 version working on my x64 Vista machine.

Does anyone have a solution for this yet? These will be addressed in the general release. If Darth read this post, please share this client!! Sign in to vote. Please type your message and try again.

Thanks for responding so quickly. I think my Windows Vista it's the final release Thank you for helping keep Tek-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts.

Sunday, January 31, 4: That seemed to be the trick.


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